Income: 9745 USD / month
Weekly Hours: 40 hours
Average Experience: 0 year
Median Salary: 9745 USD / month
Women median salary: 9550 USD / month
Men median salary: 9940 USD / month
Female 50%
Male 50%
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Pharmacists in United States have an average salaries of 9745 USD per month. It's 43.61% higer than the average salary in United States which is 4250 USD . The highest monthly salary is 14600 USD in Paris and the lowsest 9550 USD in New York.

The median Pharmacists in United States salary for women is 9550 USD and 9940 USD for men

Salary Experience Hours/week City Country Compagny Added
9940 USD 5 40 Las Vegas Pharmacists 2015-04-06
9550 USD 15 40 New York Pharmacists 2015-04-06
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