Income: | 35000 THB / month |
Weekly Hours: | 40 hours |
Average Experience: | 0 year |
Median Salary: | 35000 THB / month |
Women median salary: | 0 THB / month |
Men median salary: | 35000 THB / month |
Female | 0% | |
Male | 100% |
Web Developers in Thailand have an average salaries of 35000 THB per month. It's -53.85% lower than the average salary in Thailand which is 65000 THB . The highest monthly salary is 35000 THB in Bangkok and the lowsest 35000 THB in Bangkok.
The median Web Developers in Thailand salary for women is 0 THB and 35000 THB for men
Salary | Experience | Hours/week | City | Country | Compagny | Added |
35000 THB | 5 | 40 | Bangkok | Web Developers | 2015-04-07 |